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Zhejiang Changxing Shengli Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd

Contact: Ms. Zhou
Code: 15968263134
Service hotline: 400-022-3058
E-mail: shengli_fc@163.com
Address: No. 181, Jinzhu Road, Taihu Street, Changxing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province

FC50 push-behind double box floor scrubber

  • Category:Floor scrubbers
  • summary

Product features
* User management: user list, user permission assignment; The system has an account password to log in, through the account, log in to the system platform
* Real-time monitoring: you can click in the equipment list to view the real-time working status of the equipment (scrubbing, air suction, charging, parking, forward, reversing, etc.), intelligently monitor the status of the cleaning vehicle online, offline, fault and other status, and report to the background; Preparation time, real-time cleaning time on the day, on-duty cleaner boot key (attendance) card number, remaining power, battery type (lead-acid, lithium battery, etc.), cumulative charging times, cumulative charging time, etc
* Vehicle trajectory: real-time positioning of the vehicle, trajectory playback, speed, GPS signal strength, current positioning and other status and report to the background
* Location Query: Clean Vehicle Map Distribution Query
* Rental management: The system sets the leasing option, and the user can choose the leasing time according to his own requirements, and can pay online and offline
* Equipment maintenance: automatically report alarm information and fault information; Maintenance personnel order records, picture upload
* Data report: cleaning vehicle historical data data query, analysis, statistical function; Operation statistics: daily work record, statistical cleaning area, start-up time, last recording time; Data charts: voltage change curve, battery performance analysis, motor operating current change, battery charge curve recording.
* Electronic fence: limit the use of the equipment within the specified range

Next:FC150 driving double scrubbing machine
Zhejiang Changxing Shengli Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Changxing Shengli Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd.


postbox:shengli_fc@163. com

Address: 181 Jinzhu Road, Taihu Street, Changxing County,
Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Mobile station, WeChat scanning

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