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Zhejiang Changxing Shengli Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd

Contact: Ms. Zhou
Code: 15968263134
Service hotline: 400-022-3058
E-mail: shengli_fc@163.com
Address: No. 181, Jinzhu Road, Taihu Street, Changxing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province

News Center

The Trading company in Ningbo visit us for helping their clients expand new products.

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2024/4/30 14:08:45 Hits:40

Next:The technology officer from listed company visit us to try our product and planning to put our products in their sales category.
Zhejiang Changxing Shengli Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Changxing Shengli Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd.


postbox:shengli_fc@163. com

Address: 181 Jinzhu Road, Taihu Street, Changxing County,
Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province

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