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Zhejiang Changxing Shengli Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd

Contact: Ms. Zhou
Code: 15968263134
Service hotline: 400-022-3058
E-mail: shengli_fc@163.com
Address: No. 181, Jinzhu Road, Taihu Street, Changxing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province

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Author: ComeFrom: Date:2024/6/14 16:29:34 Hits:10
Next:Manager from Slovenian companies come to our factory for seeking cooperation.
Zhejiang Changxing Shengli Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Changxing Shengli Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd.


postbox:shengli_fc@163. com

Address: 181 Jinzhu Road, Taihu Street, Changxing County,
Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province

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